If you had the power to live forever and a computer that could program any reality for you in your dreams (like the Matrix). How would you spend your time? See the Video on What might you doVideo
These 2 videos are both part 1 of longer videos you can find on Youtube. Click the centre of the video itself whilst it's playing to go straight to the Youtube page.
Remembering can be the very thing that causes us to continue to make the same mistakes. In this case forgetting could be seen as our friend. Our brain remembers our thoughts and ideas. But where are our emotions stored? It has always been said in the heart but scientifically this seems wrong. If you believe in an after life. The spirit is clearly where emotions are stored. Your emotional progress is never forgotten, so you can only improve with time. Since negative emotions don't have the ability to exist in the same way that positive emotions are actually real. Negative emotions are as unreal as darkness. Scary but always conquered by light. Negative emotions are overpowered by good ones. And memory is the biggest incubator of negative emotions. It's better to forgive and forget. Than to remember and be forced to forget anyway. Negative emotions are not powerful simply because of their self destructive nature. They have little will to create memory.